MU Gladhand Hose Holder

MU Gladhand Hose Holder

Truck Mount Gladhand hose rack

Blue Steel Part Number SH10056M

This is the only version of this MU Gladhand Hose rack you will need.

Secure hoses on field service trucks or mount on a stand at various locations in the yard or shop.

We designed the cradle to grip the fitting so it stays in the rack even on rough terrain, this will keep the integrity and condition of the MU hose intact.

Blue Steel Next-Gen Industry Standard for field truck will keep lockouts, chains, shovels, brooms, Locomotive Jumper Cables, Derails secure when your on call.

MU Gladhand
Steel MU Hose rack-mounted on the Head Rack for your field crew truck.

Contact us at 800-377-2109

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