Derail Switch Barrier Gate Arm

Derail Switch Barrier Gate Arm

Aluminum Arm attachment. Blue Flag sign Men At Work.

Blue Flag Protection

FRA Blue Flag “Safety First” per OSHA and FRA Standards

3M™ prismatic sheeting with Blue with White letters

FRA218 Railroad Safety Equipment CFR 49 FRA 218 Blue Flag Protection.

Stay in compliance with OSHA Blue Flag and FRA Blue Flag rules for worker safety.

Blue flag protection in the railroad industry provides safety to workers from the inadvertent movement of equipment on which they are working. Current Federal regulations provide minimum specifications for the devices that can be used as blue flags, allowing many devices to be used as long as they are blue. Safety standards developed by national and international committees that have been adopted throughout a wide variety of high hazard industries, however, require greater specificity in the design of safety signs and signals. Recommendations are provided for blue safety flags that are consistent with the current meaning and use in the railroad industry and that meet current safety code guidelines.

Please contact Blue SteelCo about availability and pricing 800-377-2109

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