Large battery installation fixture

Safely remove and install large batteries

How easy is it to damage a plastic battery case with metal forks on an 8-ton forklift?  The answer is “EASY”.  Before you know it, the battery acid is spilling out and causing a hazard and the stop-work flag goes up.

This Heavy-Duty battery Installation Fixture can do the job.

This Blue Steel fixture is designed for removal and installation.  Heavy-Duty Slide Adjustable Width O.D. from 16″-25″ x length x 21-1/2″  with 2 each 4″ x 8″ HDPE pads for pushing the battery until securely in place.

With this fixture, you’re pushing the side of your battery with a much larger surface area and not attempting to use the ends of the forks which can result in destroying expensive batteries.

Catalog Number: DS10010M Battery Installation Tool

Weight Approx: 60#

Battery installation/push pads prevent damage to the battery.
Forks extend full depth for safe handling.
A balanced load for pushing the battery into the cabinet.

UPRR Store Stock Item 41005130

For more information about our Battery Installation Tool or other products contact us.

Contact Blue Steel to Order.


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