Heavy Duty Metal Service Carts
Blue Steel Carts are “Industry Standard” Service Carts
How many options are out there for shop carts or service carts? A lot! Mostly light gauge sheet metal, bolt-together units. In heavy industry shops, they last about 2 weeks. That is not a good value. A cheap caster can be purchased overseas for a couple of dollars each. You can literally run the wheels off of these things in a short time.
Consider these factors when purchasing a cart.
- How much weight does it need to hold?
- Is it used daily for 1,2 or 3 shifts or occasionally?
- Will the cart be for indoor or outdoor use?
- What will it roll over? Rocks, Cement, Asphalt, railroad tracks, large cracks?
- Should you be applying brakes when parked?
I have seen workers with a 100# load pushing carts with 4 swivel casters and tiny 2″ wheels bumping down a rough asphalt driveway.
**Do not try this at Work, It’s very dangerous**
We have applied what we have learned over the years to build some solid carts for your shops that will last years with proper use.
Service Carts and Supply Carts